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1. IRI links 24 Feb 2006, 10:34 am
This entry contains an alternate, a related and a via link all pointing to the following IRI:
or equivalent URI:
If your aggregator supports any of these links types it should be able to navigate or open a browser to this address.
2. IRI in anchor tag 24 Feb 2006, 10:33 am
This link should point to the following IRI:
or equivalent URI:
Your aggregator should be able to navigate or open a browser to this address.
3. IRI in image tag 24 Feb 2006, 10:32 am
If your aggregator is compliant you should see a green block next to each of the test items below.

4. IRI enclosure 24 Feb 2006, 10:31 am
This entry contains an enclosure link pointing to the following IRI:
or equivalent URI:
If your aggregator supports enclosures it should be able to download this file.
(audio/mpeg; 0.05 MB)
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