Favicon1. IRI links 24 Feb 2006, 10:34 am

This entry contains an alternate, a related and a via link all pointing to the following IRI:


or equivalent URI:


If your aggregator supports any of these links types it should be able to navigate or open a browser to this address.

Blinklist Blogmarks del.icio.us Digg Ma.gnolia My Web 2.0 Newsvine Reddit Segnalo Simpy Spurl Wists Technorati

Favicon2. IRI in anchor tag 24 Feb 2006, 10:33 am

This link should point to the following IRI:


or equivalent URI:


Your aggregator should be able to navigate or open a browser to this address.

Blinklist Blogmarks del.icio.us Digg Ma.gnolia My Web 2.0 Newsvine Reddit Segnalo Simpy Spurl Wists Technorati

Favicon3. IRI in image tag 24 Feb 2006, 10:32 am

If your aggregator is compliant you should see a green block next to each of the test items below.

1. IDN test
2. IRI path test
3. Full IRI test

Blinklist Blogmarks del.icio.us Digg Ma.gnolia My Web 2.0 Newsvine Reddit Segnalo Simpy Spurl Wists Technorati

Favicon4. IRI enclosure 24 Feb 2006, 10:31 am

This entry contains an enclosure link pointing to the following IRI:


or equivalent URI:


If your aggregator supports enclosures it should be able to download this file.

(audio/mpeg; 0.05 MB)

Blinklist Blogmarks del.icio.us Digg Ma.gnolia My Web 2.0 Newsvine Reddit Segnalo Simpy Spurl Wists Technorati

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